It has so often been said that some people Create dreams, and others live them…
If I were offered reality, I would refuse it- Even in my most profound moments of madness, as I live in fear…
If friendship were offered to me, I may accept it, but With care and caution, for I do not trust many…
-Although- if a tune was played, I would sing to it, because Music brings to me peace and joy, as it uplifts my wounded spirit…
If one brought me incense, I would let it permeate my castle, for Its sweetness and delicate scent would soothe me and calm my Tormented soul…
If the whole world wished to trade with me their madding crowd to My solitude, I would say” No”, for in My solitude, I have found freedom of expression of my Inner creative self, and-
If I were offered the world, I could never part with my dreams, For it is in these dreams that I have created, I have found a home