mother.- "why can you spend so much time writing all this sappy bullcrap but cannot study hard to get good grades?"
math teacher, senior high school.- "why do you write such good poetry but **** so bad at math?"
acquantainces/maybe friends, anygradeinanyschool.- "hey your poetry sounds pretty good i just don't understand what you are trying to say."
writing instructor, free elective course, college.- "your poetry is really good for someone whose first language is not english."
lover.- "you are good at writing poetry, but besides that, you just seem clueless almost dumb most of the time you cannot hear what i say nor can you understand much of it. it seems like you are lost in your own world, have conversation with me in your head."
i want to blame all these people for making me think i must be really good at poetry for i hardly am in anything else that actually matters.