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Feb 2011
Making love with you….
Primitive, passionate, incredible
Hot, sweaty, messy, vulnerable
Flesh against flesh,
Souls begin to mesh...

Our heart’s in sync
Just me and you tonight,
Trust me
Relax, no need to see
Close your eye's,  
And come away with me

Just breathe...

Slip away into the night
Our existence, out of sight
Let the world disappear,
In a glimpse of heaven,
Our souls re-appear
Time stands still,
Against the evil worlds will
You, my love potion
Feel it in our motion

Make tonight last forever,
Your lips, the grace of a feather
Feeling our rhythm,
Feeling our grind
I am yours and you are mine

Just breathe….

Putting Karma Sutra to shame,
By letting instinct play the game,
Keep ur eye's closed
Now can u see?
Every inch of you, caresses me…
Ur texture, Like satin on my bare skin
Tonight, make forever begin

Hurt me, feel the passion...
Gently kissing the side of your neck
I nibble, caress and peck

My back, your nails, a must
Throwing out doubts and questions of lust
Moan, moan, moan,
It's not our bodies,
But our hearts we each own

Just Breathe...

Heart can’t take it,
Breathing becomes a fit
Overflowing with love,
Wrapped tight around me, a glove
guiltless, overwhelming, pleasure
Feelings so intense, no words can measure
Create new life, we become one
Forever, has only just begun

Holding each other,
I whisper "I love you"
Both of our hearts pounding
I love you too...

Forever, Just Breathe….
Written by
Corey M Roberts
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