There are no hammers in my room. No tactical advances which need enhancements. no broken bits of furniture in need of further assessment. There are no screwdrivers. no holes filled with crack filling nothing willing to be cut. destroyed. nothing blotchy or broken. or to say this house is less than homely. There are no hammers. no holes filled with crack filling nothing willing to be cut. destroyed. Deconstructed. Detonated. No little lines on the carpet, no rusty pipes beneath my sink There are no razors in my bathroom nothing which brings blood from my retinas nothing stinks of mold, nothing sinks in the carberater escaping excavation measure the short comings of my makings, and takings, and tasks. There are no dust mites beneath my bed there are nothing but soap and cleansing masks. sleeping with the boogy man, sharing his head space, no naked, termites in my walls. skeletons in my closet. nothing that would appall an exterminator. nothing which says this house is less than homely.