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Nov 2014
People become friends with people just as ****** up as themselves
They find solstice in each other
You asked me why you're friends with so many people
And I told you that since what happened was so traumatic
You couldn't just be friends with one group
To keep yourself together you needed the variety
You continued with how there's no one to blame
I was speechless
I knew what you meant, and there wasn't anything I could say
See, I knew what you went through
I was there
Just on the opposite side
You were the sick one,
I was the family
Neither of us was able to control the situation
Just you survived it
She didn't
You both stared death in the face
You won
She didn't
I knew what it was like having no one to blame
Now I'm going through that again
She's 93 now, and is coming to the end
There's nothing I can do
There's no remedy
All I can do is watch her lie there, praying over and over again
I know life isn't fair
I know it's not perfect
I just wish I would have it be good for longer than 3 seconds
I thought things were looking up for me but they aren't
Behind every corner,
Under every crack,
There's a chance that something will go wrong
And destroy my entire outlook
It's funny how feelings are so ******* fragile
How with the slip of a pen
Or a single word
Or even one moment
Can change everything
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