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Sep 2013
Mapping the veins on eyelids
A subtle lattice work of blue life
softly breathing, indifferently beating
a gentle pulse lifting skin
a rare moment of honesty, deliverance
found only in the frame of a dream

An exchange of minds would leave us breathless
Speechless, for here words have no bounds
no meaning, other than that which we bestow

a path is traced
Along the creeping blue
past through the notches of your spine
a path well known
never to be lost upon

My child. My life

Deep in a wish of denial
what i wouldnt give
to trade with you
A gift i tried to give
.but i was never good at sizes

my darling.mydear

If only i could
exchange once more
i promise i would get it right.
Instead, they tell me
its time to let go
to you my child-
the first ill never know

                                                           ­                                                       and so she slept
                                                           ­                                                     in sweet fragility
                                                       ­                                                        almost breathing

                                                      ­                                                                 and so i wept
                                                            ­                                              with subtle bravery
                                                         ­                                                             almo­st living.
Zoe Lynne
Written by
Zoe Lynne
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