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Feb 2011
For what ever my idea of love is
you were its first step.

Before you I lacked the clarity,
moments to be shared with others
naked, and uneasy, yet ready
both of us were equally bare.
With unnoticed feelings
we appeared to share.

I was prone to sweat
and you to run so far

Your way with words
my miss spelled errors
neither could equally meet,
we left with deep pockets
of emotional warfare.

I ended up in debt
you had money through the ear

We had only our dreams
of what we wanted
wanted each other to be

I cared the way I could
and apart of you cared

I loved the way I did
and apart of you loved?

I spent months flipping sides
walking on edges splitting my souls,
realizing I had only taken my first step.
All rights reserved by the author
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