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Feb 2011
School is fun and summer is fading, Fall is here and math I am hating.  What to do I am debating, Why Jesus, why?.. was trigonometry worth creating.  If I could i would sit and craft rhymes to slowly **** away this time.  But then what would I find?  School is gone and I have since wasted my mind.  So as I sit and ponder life’s choices, one can’t help but recollect one’s voices.  “Oh two assignments is all?  I can do that later, after I make this call.  Oh yeah and after I go here and there and decide what jacket to wear... next tuesday.” before I know it, my grade the teacher showeth, and henceforth the F+ floweth.  Don’t cry my son, your not quite done, you’ve still got a few cards to play,  a few lines to say.  What will be and what may are mine to say, at the end of the day the grade reads what you really want it to say.  So pick up your pencil and pick up your head, this may not be quick and this may not be easy, this may make you weary and this may make you teary, because this will take what you have and you have what it takes, so henceforth your future you makes.
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