I live inside an aquarium I do not need a boat I fly around in water Sometimes I even float
Surfing back and forth wafting, to an fro occasionally, all is still most times, I just don't know
Where I'm going where I came from I have never found the side. Of the glass! I must be dumb.
I know it's there. Outside of it is stuff called air I've seen the faces, Oh! How they stare As they brush their wavey hair.
Suddenly, there's a whirling swirling, round and round I have never fathomed gravity. Today's new word is: DOWN!
At last! I'm in thin water then suddenly I frown I search for tiny dropletts More! More! Before I drown.
I **** them all into me bugs, insects! dirt and slime I learn to breath, dance and walk and sing no more the aqua mime.
No more the fin man on display no more the question, bake or filet?' Alas, when rain comes, I feel weak Just why? I can not say.
I look deep, into my own eyes I see, my old, friends in there. CRAVING, begging to get OUT protesting with glowing plastic signs that read:"This Is Not Fair !"
As I gaze at my reflection and brush my wavey hair and pearl white teeth, and spit.