How do you know when the time is right? Does it kick you in the *** or slap you in the face? Or does it sit by the water and paitently wait? Is it yours to look at or mine to take? Is it like a match, a one strike date..
When will I know that it is what is? Will the stars align like an angels kiss? Will the doves release and the choir sing? Or will it feel like anything?
Will you scream it loud like your favoite song Or whispear it softly like you might be wrong? Will you grab my face and look in my eyes Or hide in your thoughts to your own demise
Will you Hold me after and repeat it again Or leave me hanging without means to this end Will we fall into our dreams tonight Or walk away without a kiss goodbye
What happens when the words are said? Help me settle the thoughts In my head Do the best to answer the few Pleading questions I have for you