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Nov 2014
This time of year is crazier than the rest,
It's hard to put my finger on what makes it just the best.
I love my family, and I know they love me too.
So I thank God for deer, and plenty of work to do.

Im thankful for the coffee that gets me out of bed.
For friends who know the kitchen and how to keep us fed.

For dessert too good for words and jerky just been smoked.
For patience and forgiveness when we're easily provoked.

I thank God for furnaces when it snows before Thanksgiving,
And for tank tops and shorts when the grass is still living.

I'm thankful for health, for strength and ambition!
Pain killers for knees that give way without reason.

I'm glad we have music to fill the air.
For country and gospel and Creed to blare.

This work that we do is one of a kind.
Tedious and tiring  is what you may find.
Although this is true, at the end of the year,
I'm thankful for family, and our season of deer.
Pacifica Northwest
Written by
Pacifica Northwest  Grand Rapids
(Grand Rapids)   
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