Wisedom is to know the difference between your faith and religion. Stupidity is to not know either. They say war isn't an action but an emotion fueled by rage and anger.. I say war isn't part of what we do but who we are, Its in our nature.
People now days have confused strength with confidence and how far one is willing to go... #Unwise
We judge the people around us before we meet one another. We pick and choose people to hate an people to love without making choices. #NoLoyalty
They say YOU can change but you have to change yourself... Better said than, The world is gonna change and your status will be determind by your wealth. Saying "money over everything" is like saying "**** everyone else", But to put that in action is like admitting you'd rather live by yourself. #TheWholeΟ
Surrounded by galaxies and a forever reaching domain #Space
We have a problem admitting we are all one in the same. #humans
Weighted down by opression and smashed by our fears, We're doomed to work for an eternity beyond your childs years. #Government
Shed tears for our future, Held back by the weak, We've been chasing dreams and against reality, dreams will never compete.. Its hardly a race when your starting in last but we look forward to the future, never questioning the past. #ClosedMinded