I ask when you are coming back I ask when you are coming home After being miles apart for months I am starting to miss you
You tell me Wednesday I tell you That is when I leave And disappointment washes over my tongue Knowing that it will be months more Before I get to see you again
I offer to fly you out to see me For a week or so in December You could stay at my place and everything I tell you it will be fun You answer honestly That it might be conflicting You mention your music That you will be working on it And you just don't know If there will be enough time To sacrifice any of it for a break You always put guitar and melodies Before me And I always resented you for it
I propose dinner in the future You agree but hesitantly Said the last time we were together It was too much An emotional limbo That you never want to go through again I ask if it can happen You say okay but with strings That I cannot kiss you That I cannot touch you the way I used to That the kind of touching I do Should be reserved for couples For those who are in love And we are not
I want to tell you That I have loved you for three years straight And I have never stopped once I want to say That people will come in and out of my life But you are permanently in my head And my heart
We could go Days Weeks Months Without talking And I will still hold you in the back of my mind Keeping a place set for you always
I do not realize this And how true it is Until someone asks me if I wonder what my future husband will look like And without a pause I tell them I already know
It sounds terribly naΓ―ve Maybe also crazy But I have a spot in myself reserved for you Somewhere for you to come back to
Even if it takes years for you to claim Even if you never do I have it kept aside In case you ever decide That it's where you need to be
I asked when you were coming home As if the city we grew up in Could still be called our home When in reality home is much farther than an arms reach I am on the other side of the country
I asked when you were coming home I asked because I am not really sure Where home is right now for me But you have always been And will always be The closest thing to it
You are a house I could spend the rest of my life in I know every square inch Every detail that most would be unable to notice Your arms are home Your touch is home You are home And I am home With you.