Humans are natural go-getters. We are instinctually driven to fix it, solve it, control it. But, oftentimes, even our most sincere efforts return fruitless. We relentlessly pursue anyway. What lies beneath the desire to make things better; make our lives better is a deep-seated insecurity that if we don't DO something, our lives will dissipate, and fall into a heap of failure and depression. We cannot bear to let go of the need to control our lives and "make things happen". What would happen if we let the Universe guide us? I'm not talking about passively living our lives. No. I'm talking about going about our lives like how we normally do, with the exception of needing to make certain all of which brings us discomfort. And instead, to live in this insecurity, this uncertainty and trust that the Universe and ultimately, our soul knows the True way. Our soul is caring for us and whether or not we like it, our soul is ultimately the one in charge of our lives. We have free will, and we may exercise that whenever we want, but we do not have free will of how outcomes turn out. We wish we could manipulate the destinies of ourselves and others, but in the end, the Universe and our soul causes the outcome to occur. The power of action is a shared privilege, done by both ourselves and our soul. Since we ARE our soul, but separated from the love and wisom by our ego-mind, what is shall and always will be what our soul wants for us and we need to open up to that and trust it.
This is not a poem, but I felt the need to share it. :-)