Puff in that fiberglass and Let it course through your Blood. It’s that feeling again. Yeah, THAT feeling-the one That makes you feel so invincible. That bittersweet taste begins To crawl its way into your lungs, And you stop caring about what’s Around you and start to feel What’s in front of you.
Clear skies become cloudy, Dirt lodges begin to crumble, Diabetics start passing out, Wasted kids lie on the sidewalk, And all you can think about Is that small connection That was ignited off of a Very small spark that Lit the kerosene on fire And nearly morphed you Into a corpse.
You don’t ever want the fire to Go astray, but it’s better off With the Fray. Every fiber of your Being is bound to this feeling- You’re addicted. This want is now your need, and The only thing you can do Is let it course on through. So, keep puffing that fiberglass And don’t let the circulation stop.