What is life too me Life is about handling business and living it up, see Its about taking notice to the little things that we all possess Like, pride, and happiness This may go against what you have learned, but self worth is important Without it we let ourselves get walked over while we lay dormant Pay attention to what goes on in the world today Obama is getting bashed as he tries to help the less fortunate by giving them a way Needless to say, He put his name in his care act To create a legacy that his future folks can enjoy and remember him by; with no delay And that's self worth, but what about happiness I'm sure a lot of extra dollars can bring about more peace More peace we need so when the love from our people cease And it gets to the point where we don't speak Just know those dollars, pennies and nickles are all we need at the end of the week You see we don't need money to be happy That's not what I am trying to push But why wouldn't you want it? We know we do, why beat around the bush