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Nov 2014
The ****** lay down,
As the untouched stream
Ran through her untouched skin.
Mountains grew like ruptures,
Imperfections, grainy tissue.
Leaves sprung up like parasites,
Clinging to dear life.

And she remained unmoved.
She remained harmonious.
Harmonious with the sudden
Obstructions that became
Carved, engraved, furrowed
Onto her pure surface.

And with sudden violence,
Her skin was ruptured,
Manipulated, ruffled.
Her once untouched earth,
Was dug out, strained,
And left out to the
Corrosion of the winds.

It was them, those parasites.
The ingrate life, that took
The animals that built,
Constructed, and cultivated.
Those that formed values.
Rules in the midst of chaos.

And she remained unmoved,
She remained content,
Content with the sudden
Colonies, civilizations,
That sprung up like
Dead may flies in spring.

But then, they brought up
Disease. They brought up
War, Poverty, Filth.
They broke those values,
Like paper chains.
And irrigated her earth,
With pools of blood.

And she remained still.
She remained petrified.
Petrified with that
That developed, unraveled,
Birthed, and destroyed,
On top of her.

She lay down as her skin,
Once fertile became sand.
Her rivers ceased to stream,
And dried up like cherries
Under the heated sun.
And the mountains crumbled,  
And the leaves withered.

She lay down as the
Colonies collapsed, and
The civilizations were left
Abandoned, forgotten.
She lay down as the
Parasites retreated,
Died, and disintegrated.

And she remained crippled,
Battered, mutilated,
But standing still.
Not untouched, but proud,
Not intact, but standing.
Alone, but at peace at last.
Ann-Marie Bracho Kleiberg
Written by
Ann-Marie Bracho Kleiberg  Oslo, Norway
(Oslo, Norway)   
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