No mask could disguise your wise nature; ye high scholar, who yet does retain a moving soul within his line, with an ear tuned to silence as you expound upon bold situations, hidden in age old remote spaces without nomenclature: for though you remain plagued in an endless Drama, and are of the cost aware, you write with wit the writ, and thru this protect it's characters from the public with honor, by filling the page with secret clues to these truths which you must declare or suffer.
You are a man on fire, on whom despair does cause pause, because for all of us does dismal loss bring the gloom of the sepulcher. So ever remain a man over whom thy decease cannot loom like stormy weather; a king over his subject matter, who wilt remain a preceptor who is not to be beset by savage settlers.
The ring of fellowship did entertain you in youth, and glorious is the power of heavenly sovereignty on thy conscious existence's tall stature! And forthright you stir a generation into childlike veneration at an earnest endeavor, bethinking before long thy charity of knowledge shall carry thee into the halls of academic history, ( like all great philosophers.)
And thru systematic theory you taught us to ask ourselves this problematic query, " If a man's slowly dying emotions cannot continue alive internally, were they not dyed with fugitive colors?"