Desperate. Desperate. Why won’t you turn towards me? Your pushing me towards self-hate, Towards a lonely end. Why do you tease me. When I’d take whatever amount you give me. Come. Please, And set me free. Don’t you know, don’t you see. That I just want you to be with me. Your already here so don’t just leave…
Instead fulfill my desire, break this trance, Let us begin a burning romance. Think of the warm body heat, Your fragrance so sweet. The silence of night and the racing of the heart’s beat. The taste of two lips, seclusion from the world outside. The calling of our names, with your hands in mine.
Oh if only you knew, What I have planned when this comes true. You see when its over, I am pleased. You were just a mere want, not a need. So as your eyes open, to greet the sun and wave the moon goodbye. I will not be laying by your side.