Your weltering words do not interest me with its lack of true clarity. Just your tongue and all the inhuman noise it can make Oh' schlepped out- sleeping son you are the ever tediously coveting one ungratefully burdened by soft sin as if it does not alter the personality within. Scrape gingerly the bottom of a bottle, in despair carelessly compare disease to your displeased humor, wash logic along with blood from lacerated hands; broken bottle pieces rasping like last words empty of regret- with every sweep. In blind acceptance with little malice you slice ties cleanly as memories of allowance have barely slipped and menial wage paychecks become the sole script. Only little things are still swingin' but no longer with style, limply dripping you are simply pathetic and knowing this is the first step toward the corner mart, wallet in pocket and to- locking all cold thoughts away but you continuously fail to remember, total absence is equivalent to suicide.