Step 1: Hate people. Hating people is in. This should build up the sense of mystery most people you now hate will be attracted to. Don't enjoy the company of people you now know why you hate and ask yourself why you didn’t do this sooner and why only most things seem the same.
Step 2: Wear shoes. Wear shoes as comfortable as middle aged men that don’t please their wives now that well anymore.
Step 3: Lose sense of time. Lock yourself in a garage with no windows that has 2 TV’s that play different things. Have limited water. Have friends that you tell to buy you malt and even still cheaper *****. Listen to not stop talk of the grade of **** in strip clubs at a $ per/for a tall boy all day happy hour/s. If you have or had a phone or a clock hide it. If you have or had a sun dial or set of fingers set it or them in front or in-between 1 or 2 of the t.v.s so it or them always tells close to the same 2 times. Never, not even for a moment, look at them.
Step 4: (4a)Watch. Watch an old man walk an ugly dog with a bag of **** in his hand. (4b):Come to 1 or 2 safe conclusions about why the man has **** in his hand/s. (4c):Come to exactly 2 [(4ci) and (4cii)] unsafe conclusions and write them on the bottoms of separate chairs in an IKEA warehouse store.
(4ci)The man needs to theoq **** at someone nearby. (4cii)The man has a collection. A stockpiled **** supply. (4d) Reference and annotate your secret **** propaganda.
Step 5: Go someplace. Go someplace you do not belong you will make yourself unknown you will develop a cult nonfollowing.
Step 6: Write a poem. Write a poem using useless metaphors to end a poem that doesn’t seems to be about women but the poem at the end and inside of this first poem is about one anyways.
Example: You're a book just closed, you aren’t done yet, Your drawing yourself out Waiting on someone else to return.
You are a sun just set, you can’t be seen. All the lights you left behind have limits in the streets they shine in.
You are a photograph of a photograph of an unfinished drawing: a pointlessly layered mystery about something someone somewhere has already finished and made better without you.
You are a woman the least concrete image with the least valid explanation.
Step 7: Lie to your audience and end the poem in an only slightly less useless fashion then I told you to previously plan to. This is not about a relationship, this is about being ******* cool. About remaining in a slow waiding motion through yourself the planet like spin of a fire kicking up and consuming the last of the air around it, Nothing will happen to you. You will only make things more clear around you.