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Nov 2014
My sweet misery I think thats what you are ..
You make me feel things i dont understand .. I do things i wouldn't do .. Im a whole different person with you .. I second guess myself when im with you dam i even dream about you ..
I think to myself all the time
How can he have this power over my mind?
I really dont know ...
It flips and turns in my head ..
Could i be loving him ? Or could it be lust?
It must be lust i cant be in love ..
Or could i be?
I dont know but all i know it cant happen to me ..
Is that what im in ?
No cant be ! But am i ? Could i be ? Is he ?
In my mind i say this cant be me .. But my heart says let it be ...
He's just my sweet misery  
I never would have thought that misery could be so sweet it gets so deep it's something i wake up thinking about and sometimes
I cant eat ... Cant drink ... Cant sleep
The feeling of it is so great to explain it would take months .. Months that would trun in to years and soon to explain this misery could be impossible ..
Wow just to think impossible ???
Could it be with this sweet misery that ramains in my mind remain a mystery to my life ??
Will this go with me to my other life that god has planed for me ??
Man can some one answer these so i could be in peace ???
Or is it for somebody to answer or his?
The one im thinking about .. The one i dream about .. The one i ...
His smile his smell his face his lips against mine his wow wait ...!!??
My sweet misery remains a mystery ...
Written by
Antoinette v  Cali
   CapsLock and SPT
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