Into his lacy web of deceit She was lured very cleverly What started as a fusion of like minds Soon took on strong emotional tones He led, she followed rather docilely Bowing to his every whim and fancy They moved into a new neighbourhood And life appeared peaceful and happy Until some ghosts from his murky past Were resurrected without warning An abandoned wife and son turned up At the doorstep with ample evidence That he had been living a life of duplicity
Overnight her dreams were shattered She wore a pained and very haunted look How could she have been conned by him In such a complete and perfect manner He was a spider who knew the intricacies Of spinning a web with attention to detail It was so imaginatively done that even she A woman of intellect had got ****** in To his credit, had he not been recognised Accidentally by an old rival visiting the area His first wife would have never tracked him They would still be living in his web of deceit