Everything's out now In the air, in the open On the table Spilling over the sides More to come Still, I'm just not sure this was the right way to go about it
I want to take some back Though it felt so cathartic to unload The empty space vacated Is hungry for the secrets I've given away The fresh void Craves the pampered memories The lost recollections that once glowed with shame I miss the skeletons I've evicted from my soul closet Recklessly disassembled Tossed out with no rhyme or reason Onto this pyre Too late to turn back now, I've already lit the fire I could reach in, perhaps Sacrifice fingers or hands to retrieve precious few But which ones? Would they be enough to fill the churning stomach? Would I grow to resent them for the ones that weren't chosen? No...best to let them all burn with limbs and digits intact
The excavation process seemed so simple at the time Heavy weights lifted from my shoulders The promise of a bright and shining future Unburdened by revelation I thought I could offer So sure it would change lives, not the least of which My own How naïve to believe It was worth anything in the first place It belonged with the dancing skeletons In the hole with the transparent ghosts of guilt Evil twin, doppelganger of gravity To pull me down into sinful reality
I loved them all
I still do Though I'm quite sure I've murdered them They will never die My salvation comes only in the knowledge That they belong to the past, Unable to survive outside of the paradigm in which they are imprisoned, And that it is my very nature As a human being To live in the present moment In which they have no power