Return to me my beloved fall back into my caring arms. You have run long and have fled far, but here I am still, waiting for your long expected return.
Your heart is pure yet your motives darkened. Your will is strong yet your actions lack guidance.
Come away with me and experience the joys of being truly wondrously free.
Forget the life you used to walk forsake your days of transgressions. Care not right now for the ones you have wronged, nor consider the task of confessions.
Yet instead focus upon yourself search deep into the one you have become. Gaze into the mirror of your soul where I know there is treasure hidden and deep.
Find the girl I long ago once knew, find her for me and find her for you. Find that run away child return her back into my arms, and back to my love again. Return her safe return her sound. And to me down on this peaceful ground.
Return her to me that precious run away child. And return her back home faraway from the fright of the wylde.