Dance me down to the railroad tracks Where we used to walk at night and Test God (or at least the trains) to prove That we were young, strong, beautiful, Alive and deserved to be so. We’d
Wait until the stars fled from our eyes And the rickety planks under our feet Quaked in fear of stronger demons. Our ears pricked like risky rabbits, Our feet stamping instinctively, wanting To run, to burrow under, to be gone From danger and the smell of smoke.
But we were no lapine cowards, we had No fear of rattling tracks. Holding hands, We’d stand our ground until the whistle Screamed blood and fire and death at us.
We’d roar heart and lightning and life Right back, blinded by that light on the Black grill. Shining in our eyes, we’d Realize that even immortal beasties Can go blind looking at God’s face.
We pushed each other back beyond The deadly track on either side. My Eyes grew wide every time we tumbled Backward onto safer things. Watching Your fall was like sunrise, and I swear When we tasted heaven, you had wings.