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Nov 2014
And when you raise that bottle to your worn, warped lips.
Do you see me?
And when your so ******* drunk you stumble and crumble to the floor.
Do you see me?
When your vision blurs and your brain abducts your memories.
Do you still ******* see me?
At the end of the hallway scared half to death.
Blanket griped in my hand, tear filled eyes.
Do you see me there.
Do you see me through my heart break, Do you see me grow up and graduate, start smoking working a ******* minimum wage job trying to get my **** together when in reality I am falling apart because of you.
Do you ******* see
That the damage you do to yourself is damaging me.
All that poison that you inject into your blood stream turns into a tornado, breaking doors and beating wives. Your own flesh and blood becoming so ******* disgusted. They can't even look you in the eye?
You know who you don't see anymore
Do you know?
Under all that memory loss, Do you ******* remember?
You won't see, Oh you will not ******* see.
Written by
Marina  Delawhere?
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