Revelatory refractions held in the disco ball’s reflection, glancing off the wall. Dim-lit dreams tilt forward, spilt into a paper cup, bounced backward and sprinkled up.
******* synonyms from the cold, dead pages of the riddle’s mask. Breaching spatial avenues left for those who understood the task. Taking hits from a dry-lit flask, leaving windows closed to bask
Clapped the snap back bass kit as it turned Wallace snitch. The Wire drawn and laid on lawns boundless in the ditch.
Deaf to congruencies of affection, brought about by an adolescent *******.
Blind spot in the centre of view. Rhythmic dancing, oblivious to the pew Unplugged mixing, interlocked twisting Pulsing in tune with distorted computation Dehydrated seizures next to the watering station
Molly Mary caught in the flashing lights, blinded by the car’s brights. A necklace found, nothing else around. Body grasped for fun, stuffed, mounted, late night pokes meticulously counted.