I, too, hate ending conversations with you It's like, turning the last page of a novel with which you've fallen in love Or saying you're going to cut off the tip of your own finger
I am the girl the musicians say, "she had so much love she'd wanna kiss you all the time" And I just pray in moments like these That, I'll save a tenth of all this perfume poured out of my heart for you For the dry-drenched day, when you need it most
I feel like ranting when the college campuses leave the sprinklers on when it's raining But I can't shut off the joy, the effervescent happy fireworks inside That always set off into the night sky at five hundred feet a second When you smile, You light a single match inside me And as I explode in the night sky like the fourth of July I also sit in the cool breeze of some family's front porch A glowing Jack-o-latern in the night Waiting for you, but never feeling alone.
You are what I will be thanking God for, when everyone else is thanking him for the turkey You will be my favorite surprise gift on December 24th even though I've been hoping for it all along
And for each day I get to hold you, it will feel like a Grand Old Holiday No expense spared. For you, I am wasted Like confetti on Jesus' birthday if he had any The trees cut for Hallmark cards on Valentine's Day The bubbling champagne that overflows the glass.