They came from a place without Standard of living, high levels of safety I came from a place without Knowledge of the expanding world Weather, Public transit One better one worse My ignorance to their story was unrehearsed
Their greatest challenge to date Was trying to integrate Mine was getting a date
They always had wanted to explore the New world I always wanted to see the beyond my small Atlantic town I was born into great opportunity Doctor, Engineer, Artist, etc They had to move land and sea to obtain Such an opportunity
They miss their family and I miss mine A travel for me is an hour multiplied by thirteen For them it requires crossing a sea
Being Canadian is a privilege that requires some pull Being born one requires little at all Some things here seem uncannily familiar to London and Capetown Enough to confuse the heart with familiar summer sounds Yet not all is as it seems
The world is ever expanding The globe and it's people so demanding Like the X-Files we see, The small oddities becoming regularities
With ever growing eyes Understand your identity Shirk preconceived notions and come to see This world truly is our endless family
Ten of Ten Long and dense Not meant to give offense