run the hands over every
tissued cell,
race the tongue upon and under every
unsealed pore
linger, tarry,
only if you must,
here, there and where
you stop only to drink
my body's must...
lid to lobe,
crevice to mound,
uncover the obvious,
reveal the infinitesimal,
finite the desire,
end at the beginning,
fire up the cool hearth,
emblazon the shields ofordinary,
exit and enter
refill the apertures
peptones, enzymes, amino acids,
replenish my
then drain
the abscesses and repair
the wearable wounds ,
reminder remains
of prior contests,
won and lost
make me better
than well
know before,
realize afterwards
that ceasing,
never and always,
is an always never*
for this route
forever changing,
for your hands and tongue
redraw me
every time
they run the course
every time,
ever and when you
exit and enter
always and ever
the course of
my flesh