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Oct 2014
My limbs are lead
My mind is fogged
And the only light within
Is one thought:
"Keep going."
I rise higher and higher
The air becomes thinner
My ambitions become clearer
"Make it to the top."
The others will meet me up there
Except everything is quiet
My breathing is the only echo
Within the surrounding expanse of darkness
My numb fingers creep unto a ledge
I hold my hand out waiting
For help
No one is there
I push myself on top
Look around and see no one
The view is lonely without people
The sun's rays cascade over me
Their warmth feels colder alone
Success does not fill me
Loneliness does, though.
It **hurts
Haven't written in a while. I have been very busy with life but will write more!
Leielani E
Written by
Leielani E  19/F
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