our first night together it was chilly for May you had your first kiss with her i was alone
our second night together it was warm for December my date couldn't make it you found me crying in the living room you asked if I was okay, grabbed a cold beer and left me to be back in her embrace
our third night together my date was trapped in his own trouble i smoked for the first time and watched the pictures move you gave up smoking for her affection
our fourth night together my date finally made it and she was on the other end of your long distance phone call we sang and danced to all of our favorite songs i slept in the attic storage you slept on the kitchen floor
our fifth night together you returned from your journeys we drank *** and coke in a basement i tried to impress you with my aspirations to move to California and be happy i tried to convince you i am strong and confident i tried to convince myself you meant nothing to me
our sixth night together we kissed by the river and he found us there you vomited your guilt out and we agreed she never had to know
our first night apart i sang my favorite song but my voice withered at my favorite line
you couldn't bring the columns down because you never knew they were there
my first night i knew i was truly alone i cried because of the old couple i saw in the park and deleted my unanswered drunk texts
i am haunted by these minuscule memories that could never add up to the millions you have with her
i am sorry for ever interrupting you that first night