It's amazing how a dream can influence feelings A dam broken by a flood of them A fleeting moment where your heart is clenched by an iron fist of exasperation Tears become the mask you wear as you watch your heart being wretched out of your chest
The taste of hot heavy metal floods your throat as you bite your tongue Because you're trying to keep from lying to yourself that you're "over it" But God, it felt so real; His arms wrapped around your body, squeezing. Piercing eyes don't blink, when he is uttering I love you Caught in between the realms of a dream or a reality Torturing yourself with these exhilarating feelings Grasping at all opportunities to feel good But realizing you only feel good because of him And you are trying to forget the fire from his burning kisses That singed at your raw lips You are screaming due to the electric shock pulsing at each point on your body touched by him Trying to digest the raging adrenaline that is burning every single one of your veins Praying to slip into a nirvana of ecstasy You are caught in a whirl wind of what you thought was bliss But then awoken by the erratic screams of your alarm It was all just a dream.