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Oct 2014
How long do I have to recite the numbers over, and over,
Hide and seek is over months ago, and years went like a very fast train.

All of you ran far away by me, with school bags full of memories,
I cried because my aspirations were created to live them in our dreams.

We all have experienced our first love, we all have kissed the sweet,
And the bittern lips, and now our love are belong to worthless new friends.

I tried to stay with you all since; we were childhood friends of the past,
But I guess we are all alcoholic to spend nights watching picture albums with tears.

Talking to each photo, kissing to each female lips, and drinking more,
To feel less lonely in my my dark room, with a few empty bottles of killing poisons.

They might see me as a crazy man, who misses his childhood friends,
Whom they never call him, or even come visit me in the graveyard, before death accept

My offer to take my soul, and give my power to my parents, because
They have never felt my pain on the inside, until maybe after my death blows me to hell.

Ahmad Alkhatat
Written by
Ahmad Alkhatat  Montreal Canada
(Montreal Canada)   
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