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Oct 2014
Dear Lexi

I've watched you transform from a child to a young woman over these past twenty years, and I couldn't be more proud of you. I've witnessed the first hand glow of you in the morning, I've heard your laugh, your tears, your shoulders as they drooped with despair. I love you Lexi. Because despite all the trials you've endured, you never falter. You make people around you happy simply by your presence and you are loved by many.

They don't know like I do how you pray every night for your friends and family's safety, for guidance, for strength, for courage. You prayed faithfully to learn your worth and now its found. I prayed for you too Lexi, I prayed one day you'd see you were settling and that God had more in store for you, that you'd have to go through hell to get there but it'd be worth it if you just let him in your heart. Isn't it worth it Lexi?

I'm so happy you love yourself now more than ever because you deserve yourself more than anyone. So deserving.

I admire the sensitivity in your heart that conflicts with your motivation. See I understand how much you miss your family, but cannot go home. They are why you're here. They depend on you to be here for them, and they're worth you crying when they say they miss and love you. Stay focused Lexi, it will all pay off I promise.

I admire your love for new things and people.
I laugh at your wit.
I want to hold you when you want to fade away.
I want to be your rock when you cannot be strong.

Changing each day into a better woman, friend, Christian, lover, sister, daughter, student, person.

I love you more than I love myself Lexi.
letter to myself
Alexandria Rae Mason
   --- and SPT
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