Dawn is breaking like bones against the clenched fist horizon and the thrill recedes backwards, thwarted and cornered by the coming light.
It is the curse of those who walk the alleys barefoot and bruised to see such beauty while in the thralls of unseen demons.
Hues of blood red and ochre bleed through the vision as tangible warmth creeps upwards across the city, sick with its secrets.
I walk amongst them like a minefield, choosing wisely as often as not. I watch the sun rise over the anarchy of the night and am confused by it.
People awake, conformed by the coming morning. I see a man with a shiner walk in his suit towards the bus stop. Those that let control slide from tenuous grips as the dark encircles quickly reemerge as the professionals they promised they would never become.
It saddens me to see them. Needing anything and anyone to forget the lives they carved out from the canvas we have created. It saddens me to see them, with the dawn burning upwards and the fevers of the evening dwindle and smolder into the cold, calculated face of the day.
I stare into the sky and wonder why it is so hard to truly become crazy.