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Oct 2014
O where am I going tonight
I got my hair all fizzy and tight
Put my make up on o just right
O I kind of got a little hungry and grabbed a bite
O where am I going to night

I got my shoes on very quick
Out the door with a little kick
Got in the car with a little scar
Got a little mad so I drove off

O where am I going to night

I got the party a little late
I got shut down by the little gate
Took my ticket and threw it away

O where am I going to night
Got to my friends house a little to late
Got a little drunk
And fell a sleep
When I got of the gate
Hit the bar with my own car
Woke up in my own yard

O what the hell happen to me last night

I finely went to the ER
Woke up a few scares
Tryed to find away to pay the bar
Then woke up with out a car

O what happen to me that night
And wheres this headache coming from

So I guess what I'm doing to night
Just playing XD love poetry
ashlee allee
Written by
ashlee allee  Webb city
(Webb city)   
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