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Oct 2014
My parents call me on the cell one day
They told me to come home right away
I thought they came to take me away
But instead they can to say

I heard u did something the other day missey your in trouble today

The other night you snuck away
I told you not to do that again
Why you try that any way
I hope you learn it anywaynot to so that again

Heard you did something the other day missey your in trouble today
I saw you talking that boy again
Told you once to stay away from him
You better be done talking to him
I'm going to tell you once again

Heard you did something the other day
Missey your in trouble today

I no you talk to him any way I need
His number right away
I might have led him a little stray
I hope he turns out to be gay

I'm not in trouble today
I got with a pray
I'm not in trouble today
Hope you like this poe it tray
XD don't get snitch on by your neighbors if you sneak or something might happen
ashlee allee
Written by
ashlee allee  Webb city
(Webb city)   
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