i wasn't prepared for an attempted killing. I was wearing a low cut shirt that said "I ****** your girlfriend" and even after assuring him that my clothing wasn't meant to mean anything, he tried to killed me anyways. I was a little drunk He came after me still. I wasn't carrying pepper spray. I didn't make it clear to the criminal that i had feelings that i wasn't consenting him to **** me. It's logic isn't it? Who consents for someone to try to **** them?
Now replace all forms of **** with ****. i wasn't prepared for an attempted ****. I was wearing a low cut shirt that said "I ****** your girlfriend" and even after assuring him that my clothing wasn't meant to mean anything, he tried to **** me anyways. I was a little drunk I wasn't carrying pepper spray. I didn't make it clear to the criminal that i had feelings that i wasn't consenting him to **** me.
2-8% of ****** go to jail. Despite the mounds of evidence against them. No one say someone was murdered because they "asked for it" or "knew the risks" Why should i have to dictate my life over the fear of potentially being abused.