Creeping through the kitchen sneaking out the door shhh my wee accomplice if we're quiet we'll see more left their feathers on the patio their footsteps in the earth I know there is a fairy-o lets hunt for all we're worth peeking in the buckets and underneath the stone told off by the two-year old boy them kid's do moan! "Iesus, see the fishies!" her wee order not request don't fall in, the water's cold so cling her to my chest I'm a fishy too I say she almost does believe but then instead of fish flakes she feeds me rotten leaves whoops I showed her something throwing water in the air now we both are slightly damp won't tell your mum I swear back to seeking fairies and I'm crawling in the muck got to find one somewhere AHA! we are in luck! a secret little wee one hidden all away but when she saw us coming she turned to stone all grey. not to worry little Freya when we're gone awhile she'll turn back to a fairy with her pretty smile now back to the kitchen their rehearsals going well mum looks close at her soggy sleeves mum's can always tell. what was she putting in your mouth? Oh dead leaves, well thats ok! a toddlers work is never done and adults call it play....