When I look down at the ground we are huge. Our feet bear no resemblance to their surroundings. We disturb ants on their way home the hill, we interrupt the conversation the locusts were having before we arrived. When I look down at the ground I see lives that could go on without me. Their lives would still be intertwined with one another’s even if mine was not. That’s comforting.
When I look up at the sky we are small. To the birds we are no bigger than a leaf. The galaxies show us lives once lived. They’ve seen years of life I will know nothing about. We are smaller than one billionth of our universe. My knowledge of our sky extend no farther than what I can see. The sky meets the horizon, and the sun rises and sets even if we aren't there to see it. It goes on forever and we are a minuscule part of that. That’s comforting.
When I look straight ahead. I see you. That’s comforting.