Though the world spins faster and faster, Though my heart beats rhythmically out of time The lights of the world fade around me A shadow of regret concealed in a shade of unknowing emotion Creeps into the unmarked bowels of my soul.
I grow cold in a beautiful crystallized entity of who I was Lost with no chance if return, Forgotten not by others but my myself Hands on the map But my compass is severed in triplicate
I am ice. Deadly, cold, Yet I encase a wonder that is truly only marveled by life itself For I wipe out the old and sacrifice my own life to bring back joy to the world I am ice known by all but forever alone
Across an inhospitable landscape I glide Taken all that defy me to hell Where the shall not parish in fire But in the glow of my crystallizing stare Tortured for eternity
I make myself know To those who fear my wrath The set of the alarms For they foresee my coming Only because I let them
I let them fear me It give me strength to control Causes me isolation from the world Where I feel safe in my castle of cold Blocked out from the misery of life
I am ice Frigid, Rough Yet upon my surface a softness is found Protecting the nurturing core within the call my soul I am ice destroyer and protector
I put on the show I play a grand and epic façade But when I melt away I am gone Only a memory of my once great beauty is left A sick reminder that everything lovely must die
I am not ice, I am merely snow Weak and malleable to the hands of man Eventual I disappear and water remains Only to evaporate under the light of the sun.