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Oct 2014
Isn' it sad when a man is polite
and holds doors for women
that he is called "thirsty" or "desperate".

Isn't is sad that Dogs are beating
that a dog, a loving caring Dog
gets hurt just because u cant control
your anger!

Isn't is sad when a women eats 2-3
pieces of pizza that she's called "fat"
But men can eat a hole pizza and get
patted on the back for doing it.

Isn't it sad when
a child get beaten and
People "turn the other cheek"
And the child has to go to school and
Lie saying "I fell"

Isn't it sad
Isn't life just sad?
Sad times we live in.
To Shy To Say My Name
Written by
To Shy To Say My Name  St.Cloud MN
(St.Cloud MN)   
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