Innocence is beauty, Innocence is rare; Innocence is a wonderful thing to share. Innocence is graceful, Innocence is elegant; Innocence is the enchanting music the angels chant.
Innocence is what makes an adult from a child, Innocence is where we came from before going wild. Innocence is carefree and is not confined; Innocence is sin-free, heart, body and mind.
Innocence is not ignorance nor naive, Innocence is true and shouldn't be deceived. Innocence is honesty, pure and white. Innocence is unstained, the light of the night.
Innocence is worthless once it is gone, Innocence is a gift given by One to one. Innocence is cared for and cherished, Innocence once given will fade away and perish.
Innocence is a treasure indescribable by literature, Innocence is a word out of art and science, past or future. Innocence is love, or so we thought before; When innocence was with someone we don't even know anymore...