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Joe Wilson
Oct 2014
St Peter, humour, and the cost of drinking too much…
I looked over yonder
And what did I see
An elephant, yellow
By a big pink tree.
Elephant, yellow
This cannot be
Are my rheumy eyes
Playing tricks on me!
When I looked round again
I saw grass of red
Surely that grass
Should be green instead.
And then a blue horse
Trotted into the scene
’twas the funniest place
That I’d ever been.
I took a step further
As I was feeling bold
Whence a group of green angels
Carried me into the fold.
The rivers there were purple
And the oranges were grey
And everywhere I looked about
People were at play.
The happiness was warming
I felt it in my heart
I loved just being in here
I felt I was a part.
And then a very loud voice
Did sonorously boom
“Who do we have here now
In this lovely coloured room?”
My name is simply Joe
I very meekly did call out.
For I was far too bothered
To raise my voice above a shout.
A huge door then just opened
And I simply passed right through
A large bearded man then said
“How do you do.”
I said, “What was that place
Where the loud voice boomed.”
He said, “That Mr Nosey
Is the oddments ante-room.
“Anyway Mr Nosey
what is it that you want.
I’m waiting for a party
from a crash in North Vermont.”
“I’m a very busy man you know
Why are you even here?
Go off and get yourself back home
And drink a lot less beer.”
©Joe Wilson – St Peter, humour, and the cost of drinking too much…2014
Written by
Joe Wilson
In this world.
(In this world.)
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