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Oct 2014
Slam my head against the floor
Tell me I'm stupid
I'm ugly
I'm nothing

I cover up the bruises on my skin
The best I can
And I cover up the bruises inside
Until I explode my tears into another bottle

How could someone who "loves" you
Hurt you so bad
And you blame it on yourself
Well, you made him mad!

You sit and you think
And you wonder why
But the why is not worth knowing
When you're dead

I run from the house
In the middle of the night
One more day in this cage
Is a thought I can't stand

And I can't tell anyone why
Because they will think that I am weak
So I will let them believe all of his lies
I'm a ****
I'm a *****
And that's all I will ever be
Work in progress
Ruby Lynn
Written by
Ruby Lynn  Maine
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