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Jan 2011
Samhain's Eve With Friends

The Lady's light is ripe and full and orange
so heavy the sky can scarce bear her up
as I tread slowly tap tap my staff clicks
my feet in their hurry crush sweet maple and acrid fir underfoot
and the early evening mist grasps at bare tree limbs like heart broken suiters

It's an early celabration Samhain Eve
No Matter
tis me alone and of course The Lady
Slowly I find my stone grove and rest a bit ... price of a Crone
No musicians tonight
Ah the tape will do well enough
No Sisters tonight
too far to come obligations trick or treat ...
No Matter
Circle swept and Caste,Quarters called
next all in turn music soft but building
insence sweet shrouds me
Fire my element crackles and spits with blessed heat

Time to steppe the Circle
This Dance I know so well
This Dance I have taught and danced and dreamt it always

Eyes Closed Cleansing Breathe
Bells on wrist and ankles chime

Now swaying stepping Luna's great course across the sky
once this way next reverse
slowly gently all recedes
there is nothing now but
me and She
She Morghanna Isis Gaia Mother Maiden Crone
My Lady

The flute is faint and hard to hear now
but the drum is strong heartbeat strong slow and deep
suddenly there are voices far yet whysper close
so soft full of laughter and secrets
..ghostly hands Sisters past, lost to me and spirits new entwine with mine and voices long forgotten soar
So Sweet
and my feet so clumsy and slow seem to fly and I hear the flute in the chime of Her laughter

She Has Come
Welcome My Lady

I hear nothing now but the drum and the rush of the wind through my hair
The Drum The Sisters The Fire
and My Lady

Suddenly my step slows no longer is it sure
aware of the stones beaneath and my hand blest but a moment ago now feels the loss of my Sisters grasp
but we are never far from one another
no matter the side of the veil

I tire and stop
the night has waned
the tape has stopped..when I cant recall

Never Mind

Close the quarters with thanks
Sever the Circle
Douse the smudge

Thank The Lady for a
Samhain's Eve , with friends

Solita Arcanes ShadoeWalker 31/10/10
Solitaire Archer
Written by
Solitaire Archer  Toronto
     Lyz Elysian
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