my heart is so full it's bursting at the seams I dont know how it happened and i dont know what it means but i think we were all put here for such a time as this there's meaning to our living there's a reason we exist and I think that you yes you were meant to meet with me that we were meant to cross our paths and be changed gradually you've made me into the person who i am today you've left your maze, your soul's fingerprints on this person, on this clay because we were there before we were born and we never really die because you can blow out a flame but you can't shut out the light and i will fight to show you that you matter that your smiles change the world same as your tears your wonderings your pains turned into pearls and I just wish i could say it all in a single word that I love you that you're beautiful like a shot heard 'round the world people may forget but once in a lifetime comets still come around again and you deserve to know that you are precious and that you are my friend