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Drake Firebeard
Oct 2014
The War Strangled Manner
Religious stand offs, the prophecy foretold. The holy war that only the bible could have known.
Blacks and whites could fight for days and nights. Mainstream media makes the battle go, ignite.
Pandemics spread with haste, we know there's no controller, the final form takes place, a demon named Ebola.
You know that famous saying
That money is the root,
And all that I keep saying is that there's no substitute, for evil.
One part materialistic with two parts ballistics, a society insane with seven heads that are twisted.
I've got words and melodies that are beautiful like Pete Townsend's.
But when I'm angry at the world my power level's over nine thousand!
It takes a lot of devastation to learn a little appreciation. Mother nature's in control, under God, one nation.
The sun will rise tomorrow if we make the right choices. Stop listening to what's trending and start listening to your inner voices.
There's beauty in the world, with a lot of negative spaces. Find some one who's less fortunate than you and try to trade places.
The dirt, the trees, and the water is important. It's the material things in our lives that we need to forfeit.
We can wait for all of time but time waits for no man. Live your life to the fullest, your only one man son you cant dodge bullets.
It could all be gone in the blink of and eye, wake up with gray and see how time flies.
The hate has to stop. The listening needs to start. Stop getting offended with every jab to the heart.
I am no one, small wisdom that don't compare. Learn from everyone, even those that don't care.
Dark to light is how this story is told. The human race has reached a crossroad, which way will we go?
Years from now will we sing the Star Spangled Banner, or will we all live in the War Strangled Manner.
By Matt Drake
Dark to Light
Written by
Drake Firebeard
Ky Philbilly
Chris Shantel
Joseph Schneider
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